2k Pirates Of The Caribbean 4 Blu-ray Movies Torrent Mkv ^HOT^

The story starts with Elizabeth Swann is reunited with her father, Governor Weatherby Swann. However, she has unexpectedly met him for the first time in years and she has no idea that he is working for Davy Jones. Davy Jones then demands from Mr. Svärdsmyr a pirate ship to commandeer, and he agrees to give it if the governor himself joins as captain of the ship and navigator. Weatherby reluctantly does so, and he is assigned to the ship "Calico".One day, a distress signal is heard. Robert Louis Stevenson (the famed author of Treasure Island) and Henry Morgan (who has made a name for himself as Admiral of the Caribbean Sea), who both love Elizabeth Swann, show up at her father's doorstep with their crew to get her back. Davy Jones then takes them into "Calico", and the crew sets out to find the treasure: a chest containing a map that will lead them to Isla de Muerta (Curse of the Black Pearl).Elizabeth stabs Weatherby Swann in order to make him leave "Calico". The crew of "Calico" captures Elizabeth and brings her to the island where the chest is buried.When the crew of "Calico" find out that they have been tricked by Davy Jones, they set out to rescue Elizabeth from Isla de Muerta. The captain of a British warship, a random group of pirates who also arrived on the island, and the crew of "Calico" manage to escape from there by using a small boat.The pirates head for Tortuga island to rest, but they are attacked by a rival pirate ship named Pequod. In this attack, William Turner is captured as prisoner and Jack Sparrow is marooned on an isolated island. "Calico" has also lost its way, and is heading towards the island on which Jack is marooned. Elizabeth then agrees to marry one of the rival pirates in order to save herself from being taken prisoner, while the rest of the crew plans to rescue Turner by giving him a rowboat.With all intentions of rescuing Jack Sparrow, they are taken prisoners by Pequod. At this time, an unknown pirate ship named Black Pearl appears at sea, and attacks Pequod. Instead of rescuing them right away, "Black Pearl" heads to Isla de Muerta for whatever reason. The crew members of "Calico" are then put into a dungeon guarded by Pequod's crew members. Shiavax and Turner, who were captured earlier by Pequod, manage to escape. They try to thwart Davy Jones' plan to use Jack Sparrow's compass (he wants to use it for steering his crew to Isla de Muerta). After failing in their attempts, they are captured by Pequod. However, the crew of "Black Pearl" comes to rescue them and the rest of the crew members of "Calico".The crew of "Black Pearl", "Calico", and Turner sail towards Isla de Muerta. There Jack Sparrow is rescued from the island where he was suppose to be marooned on.


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